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Make The Small Kitchen Feel Comfortable by Following These Tips – Home Inside


For you who like cooking and spend a lot of your time in the kitchen, making the kitchen feel comfortable is important. Probably, it will be easier for you who have a big kitchen in your house. But, how about the small kitchen? The small kitchen will be easier to look dirty and messy. These are that make the kitchen uncomfortable.

In addition, some people also make the bedroom room to talk with their friends or family. Actually, this is not a bad thing to make the kitchen a gathering place. It is just that you need to pay attention to the comfort of the kitchen.

Making small kitchen cabinets is not something difficult. Here we have provided Make The Small Kitchen Feel Comfortable by Following These Tips. So, let’s check it out!

1. Make Sure That The Window at Kitchen Not Covered with Anything

In making the small kitchen feel comfortable indeed the natural light (sunlight) is needed. The bright room will make you feel comfortable when you are in the kitchen for a long time. So, the first tip you can follow is to make sure that the window at the kitchen not covered with anything. If you use curtains so that other people cannot see you, especially at night, this is the right choice. You could open the curtain in the morning and during the day and cover the window with the curtain in the afternoon.

2. Paint The Kitchen with Bright Colors

The second tip to make the small kitchen feel comfortable is to paint the kitchen with bright colors. Like we say advance that we should create the kitchen look bright to make this room feel comfortable.

For you who want to make your small kitchen feel comfortable and also look simple, white is an appropriate color to use. In this tip, the light enters the window and will bounce off to the wall that has been painted in white.

3. Use Wall Cabinet as Storage

There are so many items in the kitchen. If we just leave these items in the kitchen, the kitchen will look messy, cramped, and dirty. So, the third tip to make the small kitchen feel comfortable is to use the wall cabinet as storage.

You can put kitchen equipment in this cabinet so that kitchen equipment will not be scattered and the kitchen will be neat. In addition, if you are correct in arranging kitchen utensils in the cabinet, this will make it easier for you to retrieve the items you need.

4. Floating Wall Shelf

The wall is one alternative in saving space in the kitchen. Save space in a small kitchen is very important. To make the kitchen feel comfortable, you must make the kitchen look spacious and not cramped.

In making the kitchen stay comfortable, here you can use the kitchen wall using a floating shelf. For those of you who really like cooking, it might be complicated if you put a jar of spices in the cabinet. So you can put it on a floating shelf. In addition, the jar with an attractive appearance also becomes more valuable. Jars can be used as a display to make the kitchen look more attractive.

5. Use Small Furniture

For the small kitchen, you could not use the furniture you want. The size of the furniture should be considered. Use the big furniture just takes up a lot of space in the kitchen so that the kitchen will look narrower and cramped. Of course, this makes the kitchen uncomfortable.

The small furniture can be used to make the small kitchen feel not cramped. In addition, it also makes you free moving when you are cooking.

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