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Learn About The Toxic And Dirtiest Items In Your Kitchen


The kitchen can be the busiest and most popular corners of your house as you cook and eat here. But it would be a shock when you hear that it also hides plenty of toxins that can be harmful to you and your family’s health. From non-stick pans to plastic containers, many kitchen products can expose you to health hazards. Germ-killing solutions can also be a threat if not used in the right way. That’s why it is essential to be aware of such things to protect yourself from their toxic impact by being careful with their usage. Here is a quick rundown of them.

Plastic storage containers

Plastic wraps and containers feature in almost every kitchen as you need them to store food. However, the risks increase when you use them for heating or microwaving. They release chemicals like bisphenol-A (BPA) and phthalates into fatty food, affecting the human brain, hormones, and developing fetuses. You have to be careful about temperature and timer when you heat food in plastic containers. If you leave food for a longer duration, the box may pass on more chemicals to it. Hence, it is better to use ceramic or glass materials instead of plastic. 

Canned foods

Kitchen pantries can have these in plenty. But you may not realize that even their covers can have chemicals like BPA that often create reproductive toxicity. If you see advertisements, many children’s food claims their liners are BPA-free. If you have a kid, you have to pay attention to this aspect and reduce your dependency on canned food items. Opt for fresh or frozen food instead. Please make sure you don’t heat the frozen food in your microwave if it came in a plastic bag.

Non-stick cooking pans

People prefer to cook in non-sticks because of the convenience. They are easy to cook and clean too. But exposing them to high temperatures can lead to scratching and flaking. If the portion of the coating mixes with your food while cooking, you may have to suffer health risks. The polytetrafluoro­ethylene (PTFE) coating of the non-stick pans is a chemical. When you put it on a high flame, the utensil releases toxic gas. Hence, you should avoid overheating. Or it would be better to get high-end pans and pots for cooking. 

Blunt knives

Of course, it is not a secret that you have to be careful with your knife. After all, its sharp edges can cause horrible cuts. But you don’t have to stress about your sharp knife as much as about a dull knife. With sharp blades, you can do your job fine and faster. However, a dull knife can make the same task a pain for you. While it is not toxic, it is dangerous for sure.

At least 1.1 million people have to visit emergency rooms because of these. The reason for this is simple. A blunt knife lacks sharpness, due to which you have to apply force on it while cutting anything. And when you do that, the knife can slip from your hand, leading to the risks of injuries. Therefore, you should be careful with them. If your knives have lost their impact, you can get them re-sharpened. Make sure you check them well before you use them again.

Gas stovetops

Gas cooktops are again a standard feature in any kitchen. The ease of use, constant flame, and ability to cook food better make this everyone’s favorite. However, if not vented correctly, gas appliances can emit dangerous chemicals and substances, such as formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, etc. These can be harmful to respiratory organs and overall health. Because of the ineffective dilution due to poor ventilation, these emissions can reach high toxic levels. It is better to rely less on this system to be safe. Or have a proper venting range hood for safety.

Kitchen sink

You can run water on its surface in abundance, yet its surface can hide microbes inside. Crevices or gaps between the sink and the counter tend to harbor them. Also, drain and garbage disposer can be most susceptible to germs and bacteria. One of the studies also showed that about 45% of sinks contain coliform bacteria, which can be harmful to your well-being. That’s why it is necessary to disinfect your kitchen sink after you prep meals, rinse dishes, and so on. Clean it at least once every day. And when you do, check your faucet and handles as well. These can also be dirty due to frequent access. Make sure to clean these areas well.

For sink cleaning, you can rely on a pull-down faucet hesitation-free. It can reach out to any corner of the sink with its force of water to remove even the stubborn stains. If you invest in a branded product, you would be able to enjoy the easy pull down functionality to a great extent as it can make your cleaning job so smooth.


Another area in the kitchen that can make you feel repulsive when you learn about it is the countertop. You prepare your food here. So you would clean it often. But wiping it with a paper towel is not enough. You keep fresh fruits and veggies, raw meat, and everything else there, which can easily contaminate its surface. However, the only relief is you don’t have to bother much about the germ growth on the flat surface. Then, a well-lit area would get less attention from bacteria. Still, you cannot reject the risk of yeast, mold, and coliform bacteria growing on the surface, as revealed by some studies. 

To make it safe for your kitchen and home environment, you have to clean it with an anti-germ cleaning solution daily and dry it with a microfiber cloth.

While you can find it problematic after learning about these contaminated surfaces and objects in your kitchen, you need to admit that you cannot do without most of them. To make them safe for use, you have to clean them regularly and maintain proper hygiene. That’s all.
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