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How To Design a Shared Kids Bedroom

Simple Ways To Change Your Bedroom's Look For The Summer

When you have limited space, sometimes your kids have to room together. While this can be difficult, there are many ways you can acknowledge the shared nature of the space. In fact, it doesn’t have to take a huge effort — with the right kids room wallpaper, color scheme, and layout, you can make a comfy space that meets everybody’s needs.

Multiple-Use Furniture

One of the best ways to make use of limited space is by choosing multiple-use furniture. For example, you can use a bookshelf as a room divider. There are also pieces designed to fulfill more than one function, such as hollow ottomans that serve as additional storage space.

Lofty Spaces

Sometimes the best way to use space efficiently is to think vertically. If you have a tall room, you can create a loft space that serves as storage, a play area or even the top bunk.

Color-Coded Furniture

If you don’t want to put up physical barriers, you can still visually divide the space with color-coding. For example, you can make bookshelves the same color as kids’ beds to indicate which belongs to whom.

Busy Prints

Choosing an interesting wallpaper for a statement wall can help you develop a color scheme and other décor ideas. If you’re not sure how to install removable wallpaper, you can ask a professional for help.

Minimal Design

Sometimes simplicity is the best option when you have a small space. Contemporary designs often use minimalistic principles such as:

The result is a more spacious-feeling room.

Beautiful Murals

Instead of going for wallpaper, you can use a mural as the room’s focal point. This not only provides a design scheme but also gives your kids an opportunity to get involved in the decoration process. For example, the mural can relate to their interests, such as favorite animals, movies, or sports.

Divided Closet

One of the biggest challenges when designing a shared room is making sure the closet works for all parties. It can get a little cluttered without the proper organization, so it’s best to clearly divide closet sections with physical dividers or color-coding.

Greater Distance

If you have a larger room, you should make the most of it. Placing sleeping areas as far away from each other as possible can provide more privacy and make kids feel as though they have room to grow. You can further enhance these elements by putting up bead or cloth curtain dividers.

Useful Nooks

When you have a small area, you need to take advantage of all space available. That means using nooks such as under the bed or in the corner to their fullest extent. For example, you can use it under the bed for storage and install shelves in the corner. You should also make use of walls above beds to display trophies, hang favorite pictures, or show off prized knick-knacks.

When designing a shared room for kids, there are many decisions to make beyond choosing a cute floral wallpaper. The right décor can help keep the peace and provide adequate privacy for siblings.

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