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Home Improvement & Remodelling Ideas that Increase Home Value

Home Improvement & Remodelling Ideas that Increase Home Value

With the real estate market currently being in a slump, many homeowners looking to sell have decided to stay put. Now is the time to make home improvements that will in the future increase your home value. However, not every home improvement project adds value, particularly in a down market. So, what project should you invest in?

A strong foundation is key to a substantial home. Determining if your house needs foundation repair isn’t always easy to recognize. However, there are signs and symptoms to look for before considering a suitable repair method, especially if your home is enduring foundation settlement. Also, it’s necessary to understand the different foundation types and repair methods.

Update your Kitchen

Kitchen remodelling can increase your home value by 60-120 percent. As long as you don’t go overboard, your kitchen could be the heart of your project. When considering your kitchen update, weigh the cost of the material against its value. If you choose to go with granite additions, for instance, will that cost fetch you higher value and will it help to sell house fast?

Details such as a window over the sink or updated appliances could add extra appeal. You want to sell your home with energy star-rated appliances that use minimal levels of energy. Buyers are interested in purchasing a home that can help them save money. Fresh paint can also go along way towards increasing value. Consider low-VOC paint to make your kitchen eco-friendly.

Increase Space and Lighting

When it comes to selling a house fast, dark rooms are a major turn-off. One thing you need to do to boost the appeal of your property is to open up larger spaces to increase the flow of natural light. You could break some walls to enlarge your space. Consider an open floor plan. One perfect idea would be vaulted ceilings. These are great at creating an illusion of larger space. For more flow of natural light, skylights tend to be very helpful.

Consider Energy Efficiency Insulation

If your doors are old and let in a lot of hot or cold air, it lacks basic insulations, which your home inspector will remember to mention to your potential homebuyer. Homebuyers know that homes that lack basic modification with energy efficiency are expensive to live in.

Upgrade your home in a way that conserves energy to appeal more to prospective buyers. Be careful to seal cracks around the house and add insulation to your attic. Have a professional foundation repair company look for leaks around doors and windows, the attic hatch, around electrical sockets and light switches and everywhere ducts go. If your hot water heater needs to be replaced, invest in a high-efficiency hot water device.


Landscaping increases the curb appeal of any property. Doing so before selling your home could translate to an increased value of 5-12 percent. Mature trimmed bushes and flowers could net you higher returns. If you cannot afford to hire a landscaper, plan your outdoor landscaping before planting. A new deck, beautiful walkway and decorative plants go a long way. If you plan on placing your home for sale online, include your landscaping features for a quick sale. Minor foundation problems probably won’t lower your home’s value. However, larger problems will. You’ll have the option to repair them before you sell, or sell the house “as is”. If you see any symptoms of foundation failure you need to contact a foundation repair professional and schedule an inspection as soon as possible.

Up your Paint Game

Each time you walk into a compound, what do you notice first in a building? Many times, it is the colour. The colour on the exterior of your home just like your front door is the first thing a potential buyer will notice. Your curb appeal can be quickly upgraded by the colour you choose to paint on your house. It emphasises different features and appeals to buyers. If yours is a brick home that has been painted recently, consider unpainting it. Today, the hottest trend in the housing market is brick, and it comes with timeless appeal.

When it comes to adding home value for a quick sale, there are many options at your disposal. If you plan on remodelling, focus your efforts on smaller projects which will appeal to your potential buyers at a lower cost. Small details that add character, boost energy efficiency and increase comfort are big winners in home sales.

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