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8 Advantages of Installing Solar Panels at Your Home

8 Solar Energy Advantages From Installing Panels on Your Home

The solar energy market was valued at approximately 52 billion dollars in 2018 and is projected to grow dramatically through 2026. That explosive growth has been driven by heightened consumer interest in being able to save money on energy while also saving the environment.

Have you been moved by the value of solar energy? Are you interested in diving deeper into solar energy advantages to better understand what an investment in solar can do for you?

If you answered yes to either of those questions, you’re in the right place.

In this post, our team breaks down a handful of the biggest solar energy adoption advantages that consumers will enjoy. Keep reading to find out the impact solar energy can have on your life!

1. Softened Environmental Footprint

One of the chief solar energy advantages is that greenhouse gases are not emitted by solar. That allows the earth an opportunity to breathe as the rest of the world continues to pound it with seemingly endless use of legacy fuels.

Of course, the production of solar panels is an emission-heavy process in itself. The mining or rare metals required to craft panels, for example, displaces large amounts of earth and takes ample machinery to mine.

Still, by most people’s estimation, over the life of your panels, you’ll provide the earth with a net benefit by going solar.

2. Reduced Energy Costs

If you’re looking to save money each month on your energy bills, there’s no more convenient way to do it than installing solar panels by experts in the industry like Infinity Energy. Once you pay for your panels, the energy those panels produce is free for you to use which will topple your monthly fees, particularly during sunny, power-intensive months.

How much energy your panels can generate is contingent on annual sun exposure. Therefore, your return on panel investment will be much higher if you live in an area that sees year-round sun exposure as opposed to an area that sees seasonal exposure.

3. Investments in Green Jobs

There are thousands of startups cropping up around “green jobs” which are described as jobs that reduce reliance on fossil fuels. The more revenue these companies can generate, the more innovations will take place in the clean energy space.

You installing a solar energy system is not only an investment in panels but an endorsement of continued technology exploration which will turn out better products and will make solar more attractive and affordable.

4. Energy Independence

When you buy a house, you anchor yourself to local and foreign governments. That sounds like a weird concept but it’s true when you think about your energy use.

Using electricity pulls power from your community’s grid which puts you in debt to local governments to the tune of however much electricity you use. Much of that power may also be generated with the help of questionable foreign governments that export their oil into the United States.

Adopting solar means cutting many of those strings. It means taking a giant leap towards off the grid living which allows you to live your life independent of others.

5. Low-Maintenance

There’s a fallacy that suggests the amount of maintenance solar panels require makes them more effort to manage than the value they provide. That’s simply not true.

Solar panels are largely set and forget devices that, beyond a quarterly cleaning and positioning tweak, don’t need any maintenance for decades.

An exception would be if fires have burned in your area recently which would require you to wipe down your panels more frequently as ash can reduce your panel’s ability to capture the sun.

6. A Means of Income Generation

The benefits of solar energy lists rarely share that people can actually make money off of solar. That’s a shame because we’ve seen solar adopters turn their panel investments into passive income streams that make a noteworthy impact on their bottom lines.

If your home’s solar installation is interconnected with the city’s power grid and you have excess power, your city may buy that excess power off of you and redistribute it to other homes.

This is a win-win scenario because you get paid and your city is able to re-purpose green energy at a price point that’s lower than what it generally costs them to produce power on their own.

7. You Buy Into an Improving Technology

The solar energy you buy today will pale in comparison to the quality of solar energy you’ll be able to acquire years from now. That’s because solar energy harvesting and utilization methods are constantly improving.

Getting in on the ground floor of that technology will allow you to more quickly enjoy the benefits of future improvements through minor updates to your system.

8. Flexible Buying Options

Solar doesn’t have to be expensive. As a matter of fact, with companies like Blue Raven Solar offering outstanding financing and the government offering incentives, you may be shocked to find just how cheap solar can be.

Even if you’re tight on cash, explore the various deals on solar panels that exist in the market. It may be that you can’t afford not to invest in solar.

These Solar Energy Advantages Just Scratch the Surface

We hope what you’ve read inspires you to take the leap towards solar! The solar energy advantages we’ve shared with you scratch the surface of what you can expect to enjoy when you let the sun fuel your life.

If you’d like to learn more about solar technology or other topics pertaining to real estate, check out more of the newest content we have available on our blog.

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