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7 Things To Check Before You Call an HVAC Installer


Summers can be dreadful, with constantly sweating and feeling tired. Naturally, air conditioners become our only hope for survival. 

But if you tap the air conditioner button after a whole season, it is likely to release chunks of dirt and dust accumulated during this massive interval. That is why a thorough cleaning before you start using your HVAC is crucial. If you’ve just bought a brand-new air conditioner, you may want to get your hands on a professional to install it safely. In either case, you need an HVAC Installer for help. Visit for top-rated AC installation at affordable rates. 

However, before you call an HVAC installer to your home, there are a few things you can check yourself. Let us outline some that you can easily do yourself below. 

Check The Air Filter 

The air filter is integral to your air conditioner. Sometimes, when you switch on your AC and generate dirty air, you may assume that the appliance is not working correctly. But before you call your AC Installer, make sure you have checked the air filter yourself. Generally, it is easy to check the air filter on your own. The air filter may even stop functioning if there is no proper airflow. If you smell any foul odor, make sure you check the filter first. If you feel that it is damaged, you could get it replaced after checking with the installer. 



Generally, when the condenser unit is installed outdoors, it can accumulate a lot of debris. As a result, it may block the AC condenser unit and cause blockage. Eventually, your air conditioner may stop functioning. So, check the condenser unit first. Look for substances that may be obstructing the airflow. If you find something, make sure you clean it thoroughly. You must also check the condenser coils properly and clean them for proper cooling. 



The Fuse Box or the Breaker Panel is also an essential aspect of air conditioners. If it stops working correctly, your air conditioner may stop functioning properly as well. Generally, it happens due to a minimal power supply. If the circuit breaker is not in the correct position, it could be another reason for the problem. Since it is relatively easy to deal with a fuse box, you want to check it yourself before paying the AC Installer a fortune to do the same. Check to confirm if the circuit breaker is turned off; if not, turn it on. It may start working correctly right away. By chance, if this fails to work for you, find the emergency cut-off switch. 



If you have tried everything and still haven’t figured out what went wrong, you may be missing out on thermostat settings. Generally, your fan will automatically turn on whenever you put on the AC. Make sure you set the system on cooling. You must also check the temperature settings to ensure it is suitable for you. Remember that the temperature settings should always be lower than the room temperature. If you keep this in mind, you will be able to restart your AC all over again successfully. 



Your air conditioner will only function effectively when the airflow is proper in the room. But when the clean air flows from the return grill and it is blocked, it may stop the AC from releasing cool air into the room. Since the airflow requires clear passage, the blockage can be a crucial problem to consider. But it is pretty easy to check. So, before you call upon an AC Installer who will charge enough money for this easy task, it is best to take care of it yourself. So, check the return grills properly and clean them. If you find any obstruction, remove it urgently. Also, make sure that the return grill is not being blocked by furniture or other heavy materials. If you have to put something in front of it, make sure it is at least inches away from it. 



Many thermostats depend on batteries to operate. If the battery is not working correctly, the chances are that your thermostat may be doing the same. So, your appliance may stop functioning correctly. In that case, it is wise to opt for a new set of batteries to help the thermostat work efficiently all over again. Once you have installed it, ensure that you change the settings correctly. If you see that the furnace comes on, your problem may have been solved. So, you can ask your HVAC installer on-call whether your thermostat has batteries. If they say yes, you can work on it. 



An air conditioner doesn’t just cool the room; it also steals the moisture from it. This moisture may gather around in the drain lines in the air conditioner and maybe directed outdoors. But with time and the excessive dirt in it, the drain lines may become blocked, causing algae and mold to develop inside the house. This may be a potential problem with your AC. That is why it is best to maintain the drain lines and keep them clean. Take off the outer cover of your AC and take a piece of cloth to clean the drain lines. Make sure you go in every corner to do so. Rinsing it with water and vinegar can help remove the stubborn mold and algae. 

The Bottom Line 

Before you call up your HVAC Installer to come and help you, make sure you have done your bit as far as possible. With regular maintenance and cleaning, you may not have to spend a fortune on professionals to help do the same for you. However, if you still cannot fix it on your own or fear short circuits and other problems, it is wise to consult an HVAC technician as they can be reasonably helpful. 

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